Cavok UAS is designing and manufacturing professional drone solutions for cargo, agriculture, rescue, security and defense, fixed and rotary wings, integrating equipment selected upon operational needs
Fabrice PARODI
Type of structure : SME (<250 people)
Turnover : between 500 k€ and 1 millions €
Inspection : Agriculture | Construction | Forestry | Infrastructure
Industrial site inspection : Oil & Gas, Mining Quarrying, Energy
Civil security :
Natural disasters : Fire fighting | Flood | Geological disaster
Human - society risks : Customs and border control | First responders/health crisis / health emergency | Law enforcement | Public events | Terrorism | Wars and conflicts
Infrastructure risks : bacteriological | chemical) industrial | Critical infrastructure and utilities | Industrial site protection | NBC (Nuclear
From MTOW 2kgs up to 1360kgs, security and performances of our solutions are the key parameters. Avionic sensors and components, mission equipment, data link are selected amongst the more performing and reliable available on the market to define state of the art configurations.